Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Backpacking in south coast of Korea fianl!

we arrived Samchun-po around at noon. Before we came Samchun-po, we were expecting so much because there was very near one of my friend's hometown. we called his uncle, we met him in the evening. we had a lot of row fish and so ju,which is korean drink, because of his pay!
After real dinner, we visited his grandparents house and had tons of friuts. we were so exciting!!
In addition, we went sea fishing. It was my first time to go fishing but i caught a lot of fishes. Just only me! I become a crazy to go fishing because of at that time. I want to go fishing again.
Anyway, we made a fish peppery soup and enjoyed drinking during whole night.
nextday, we couldn't get up until middle of afternoon because of hung over. so unavoidably, we had to stay one more night in his grandparents house. we looked around so beautiful island(his hometown is Sachun island) and took a rest.

Next day early in the morning, we moved to Busan which is second largest city in Korea. we hadn't been Busan, so we thought Busan might be a exciting city. But it was completely wrong.
Busan was similar Seoul. we were disappointed and decided to go our house early.
Eventually, we arrived home by seven days. This backpacking was so special memory to me.
I will never forget this whole my life. It was the best memoriable backpacking as we had expected.

Backpacking south coast of Korea 3

Bo sung is famous for green tea and green tea farm!! It was able to see on TV advertisement!! we had to go there. It was so peaceful and calm. We thought because of the cloudy weather. As a result, there were just a few people. We enjoyed a lot by ourselves and bought some souvenirs such as hide grade of green tea for present. After watching green tea farm, we came back to Bo sung downtown and felt starving!! Actually, we couldn't eat well because of money. However, we made a decision that has a mercy to ourselves!!! We got in to small a sort of snack bar. we ordered some real food, not bread and Korean noodles that we were eating almost every meal,
and ate foods brisk like a beggar!! As soon as having a meal, we went to sauna. So good!!!!!!!!!!!
We thought we were in heaven!! we were enjoying our time for relaxing.

At night, we got on the bus to go to Yeosu. we were going to die with tired. As soon as arrived Yeosu, we were looking for some restaurants for late dinner. But, it was so expensive to us, so we had to find other way for having food. Suddenly, one of my friend yelled, "Look! there is a E-mart( sort of wall-mart), we can eat some food there!" so we entered there and had some taste foods. It was not easy because the workers looked us as a beggar. we felt even shame, we were keep eating til we were full. After dinner(?), we were looking for inn but there was just a few inns and all of inns were so expensive to us. At the moment, we thought stay a night in a police station. what a movelous idea! so we went there and kept asking to the police officer for just stay one night. Fortunately, we were able to stay night there so we did. Next day, we went some famous place in Yeosu and we moved to Samchun-po in Kyoung-nam province.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Backpacking in south coast of Korea 2

Third day, we moved to Haenam and just visited famous place because we didn't want to waste our time. I remember that was a temple in national park. Anyway, almost dark night, we could got on the bus to go to Ttangkkeut(the land's edge in korea). Around 10 oclock, we went to Ttangkkeut and we made a plan to stay whole night at the top of the mountain for watching sunrise. Because Ttangkkeut is so famous with sunrise! we wanted save money, obviously, so we went to the observation tower on the top of the mountain. Before went to there, we had known that the observation tower was 24hours open. Right now i think about that, we were so stupid. Past midnight, we arrived the tower and found that was closed. There was no place to stay night!! we had no choice, we needed to watching sunrise and saved money. Therefore, we just had slept on some benches. After one hour, we felt freezing and thought if we were sleeping in here we would be dead. we had to slove this problem but still night was young. so guess what? we just went to washroom for taking shelter from wild sea wind. It was so awful and painful to keep staying there, so got out of there and went to a kind of lighthouse. But it was also so small for three people,unfortunately,we were going to be crazy. so we went here and there till daybreak. However, wheater was cloulded in the morning. Therefore, we couldn't see sunrise unluckily. we were so pissed off about the weather and thought that it couldn't be any worse!!!
Anyway, we had early breakfast and moved to Bosung fastly by bus.

Backpacking in south coast of Korea 1

In 2002 summer vacation, i decided to go to south coast of korea for backpacking with my friends when i was first grade in university. Actually, it was my friends' plan and i hadn't decided to go with them. Before they stared to backpacking, however, i joined them because i had just broken up with my ex-girlfriend and i felt a little bit loney,sad..etc, so ineeded make me refresh.

Then, the first day we got on the train at the very late night and were having tons of chatting on the train. Next day early in the morning, we arrived at Mokpo(the west-southest lage city) and our poor backpacking was going started. we were looking around Mokpo and hiking on a mountain. After looking around Mokpo, we moved to next place. Next place was a island whcih is called Jin-do. (I don't remember exactly because it was 5 yeas ago, so i'll write some important thing) At that time, we wanted to go small island so we were just drop there for a while and were going straight to Zo-do. It was so beautiful island. we were running to a beach and jumpped into sea and yelled,"What a wonderful view, so amazing!" After hung out at the beach, we decided to stay a resident's house. we had delicious food and went to bed early. Next day in the morning, we met some tourist like us, we heard they were going to another tiny island. It was Gaunmae-do. so we asked them to go there with us and they accepted. we rent a small ship and went there. There was also so beautiful beach and it looked like similar to the Caribbean sea. There was nobody except us, so we walked along the beach and took a lot of pictures. Also we went to another part of island which can't go on foot, looked astoinshing cave on the sea.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

2004's happy new year party~

one of my friend sent my photo...this one.. on the leftside..
i'd lost the picture for pretty long time...
i can think at that time when i see this one...
i drank so much(you can see my eyes..)..haha^^;
but i really miss at that time~
i'd just had 2 months before enlisted in army....
i was able to do something what i wanted....

so i used to go my uncle's villa near seoul..with my friends
it took around 1 and half hour to go there~
but there was beautiful mountains and a river...

i've liked to walk in mountains in the early morning~
so i did whenever i went there..
it always make me refresh~

when i come back to korea, i'll be there ASAP with my friends again..

potluck party~

today in the afternoon, me and my church's friends had a potluck party..
it was so fun and had some really good foods...
i made a koran food with pork meat and korean hot sauce...
we call that was the first time to make a Jaeyukbokem...
but it was good...i guess...'cause everybody was crazy to my food...
even my canadian friends...they yelled, "It's hot but so good and awesome.."
i was so happy to heard that....and i taught them how to make a Jaeyukbokem..
i think i'm getting interested to make some foods...
i wish i would make more delicious food...^^

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

how u doing?

welcome to my world.

enjoy yourself~!