Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Backpacking south coast of Korea 3

Bo sung is famous for green tea and green tea farm!! It was able to see on TV advertisement!! we had to go there. It was so peaceful and calm. We thought because of the cloudy weather. As a result, there were just a few people. We enjoyed a lot by ourselves and bought some souvenirs such as hide grade of green tea for present. After watching green tea farm, we came back to Bo sung downtown and felt starving!! Actually, we couldn't eat well because of money. However, we made a decision that has a mercy to ourselves!!! We got in to small a sort of snack bar. we ordered some real food, not bread and Korean noodles that we were eating almost every meal,
and ate foods brisk like a beggar!! As soon as having a meal, we went to sauna. So good!!!!!!!!!!!
We thought we were in heaven!! we were enjoying our time for relaxing.

At night, we got on the bus to go to Yeosu. we were going to die with tired. As soon as arrived Yeosu, we were looking for some restaurants for late dinner. But, it was so expensive to us, so we had to find other way for having food. Suddenly, one of my friend yelled, "Look! there is a E-mart( sort of wall-mart), we can eat some food there!" so we entered there and had some taste foods. It was not easy because the workers looked us as a beggar. we felt even shame, we were keep eating til we were full. After dinner(?), we were looking for inn but there was just a few inns and all of inns were so expensive to us. At the moment, we thought stay a night in a police station. what a movelous idea! so we went there and kept asking to the police officer for just stay one night. Fortunately, we were able to stay night there so we did. Next day, we went some famous place in Yeosu and we moved to Samchun-po in Kyoung-nam province.

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