Thursday, November 8, 2007

My military service time

Most korean guy have to go military service for 2 years.
I was also in there and it was the best memorable time in my life. It was complecated time to me, because I got good and terrible memories. So, when i talk to my friends who went there like me, we can stay whole night for chatting our exprience.
It is neverending story to korean guy.
When I was in there, I was a driver. I got tons of happening with a department of transpotatin. However, I wnat to tell that when I was a trainer becasue that picture is the only one that i scaned.
All of soldiers have to participate that training each year. I also did two times but one time was a trainee and another was a training ranger. Obviously, that traing was so painful and made me and comrades crazy!!! So, I didn't want to go training as a trainee, I volunteered to be a training ranger.
At that time, I was a ranger, I was so malicious to trainee. I did exactly the same thing that I got pain during first training, and probably did more. I gave them so much pain. Therefore, almost every soldier didn't like me, obviously, sometimes they tried to avoid my indication but I didn't allowed them to do. When they disobey me, I just took off their manetag and gave our chief. Thereafter, they had to do more hard training with our chief face to face. I kenw it was so terrible to trainee because I'd alredy gotten the same experience, but i had to do.
Anyway, when I think about my military service time, I can say it was pretty fun(complicated feeling).


Jae CHun said...

did you went to army??.....oh!!!

yapy said...

Huk! Were you a trainer? I hated trainers in the army. Actully, I wanted to kill them. Let's seperate each other. Just kidding!

Anonymous said...

ooo, army stories. GET ME SOME FOOD!!

pAo said...

hello kevin!!

how are you??

it's nice that you did you service military.
I like the picture.

so I hope that you enjoyed your keended it was great because we have one day more!!

so take care



Kevin said...

oh adam~calm down~kk
you can wait our retreat in Cochrane...
probably we will have some great food which you like...kkkk

Vicky~* said...

Bad kevin!!!! hahaha

Kevin said...

huk...why am I bad???
what's wrong with you???kkkkk

sujin said...

I wrote my blog just now. You are

not well timed. kk I juse relaxed

all the weekend. I need to take a

long rest ^^ see you.. I don't want

to go class..kk