Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Backpacking in south coast of Korea fianl!

we arrived Samchun-po around at noon. Before we came Samchun-po, we were expecting so much because there was very near one of my friend's hometown. we called his uncle, we met him in the evening. we had a lot of row fish and so ju,which is korean drink, because of his pay!
After real dinner, we visited his grandparents house and had tons of friuts. we were so exciting!!
In addition, we went sea fishing. It was my first time to go fishing but i caught a lot of fishes. Just only me! I become a crazy to go fishing because of at that time. I want to go fishing again.
Anyway, we made a fish peppery soup and enjoyed drinking during whole night.
nextday, we couldn't get up until middle of afternoon because of hung over. so unavoidably, we had to stay one more night in his grandparents house. we looked around so beautiful island(his hometown is Sachun island) and took a rest.

Next day early in the morning, we moved to Busan which is second largest city in Korea. we hadn't been Busan, so we thought Busan might be a exciting city. But it was completely wrong.
Busan was similar Seoul. we were disappointed and decided to go our house early.
Eventually, we arrived home by seven days. This backpacking was so special memory to me.
I will never forget this whole my life. It was the best memoriable backpacking as we had expected.


Vicky~* said...

Hey, bad Kevin! haha
How are you?
Why did you write a lot, like those?
Wow.. too much...haha
Actually I couldn't read all articles; I will try to continue soon; Anyway I understood you had a geat trip with your freinds too!!^^;;

Kevin said...

Hi~Ms.the smae age!!!kk
I'm good and you,too??

I just wanted to introduce the best memorial trip in my life..
so i did!
but I didn't care about grammar or spell, so there are lots of mistake
I have to correct some mistakes but a little bit annoyed as you know.

Anyway,thanks~see ya~

Sarah said...

Hi,fisherman !!

I liked your history. You had a very good time with your friends.
But tell me, what is the taste of ju? Something similar to vodka?
I've never heard abou ju.

Kevin said...

hi sarah~welcome~^^;

It's not a's a soju.
It's the most famous liquor in Korea~haha~

It taste is a little bit similar to vodca but it's a different kind of liquor.

If you go to a Korean restaurent, you can get one.

sujin said...

hi~ kevin!

Did you get a hurt in your mind??

kk.. sorry, but atually I confused

whether you are older than me..

Did you see sujini in darama today?

I think girls who name is sujin are

almost pretty.. do you agree??

Don't laugh loudly..^^ see you~

~.Emmanuel.~ said...

hi kevin...!
what's up...!?
this is Emmanuel...
hehe nice blogger...! your zodiac year so funny...(pig)... xD
but don't worry, I think my zodiac year its funny too (rabbit)
anyway, have a great day...!

Kevin said...

hm..but you are confused between two kevins....
i'm the other kevin whom you don't know...of course i don't know,too..